Media Credential Guidelines
Working press credentials for members of the media covering the Clean and Fair Economy Summit are complimentary. Two press representatives per media outlet will be provided with complimentary press passes, unless otherwise approved.
Working members of the press may register prior to the Conference. Pre-registration must be completed by September 13, 2017.
If you wish to register for credentials after this date, please check in at the Media Registration Area on site, providing a business card and photo ID, to obtain credentials.
All those receiving complimentary press credentials must visit the Media Registration Area to obtain credentials on-site. At this point, you will be asked to provide a business card and show photo ID. Press credentials provide access to plenary and keynote-speaker sessions and some workshop sessions. Conference organizers maintain discretion in closing certain events and workshop sessions to press.
Freelance writers and photographers should be prepared to submit a letter from the news organization they are representing on that company’s letterhead and signed by the editor. Eligibility is subject to approval by Conference Organizers. You will be notified if your request for complimentary press credentials is denied, or if additional information is needed to confirm your status.
Registration information will be kept confidential.
*Please note that publishing companies do not qualify as a media outlet.
Non-editorial employees of media organizations, including but not limited to, marketing, public relations, advertising, sales, publishers, etc., do not qualify for complimentary press registration. On-site soliciting by attendees with complimentary working press credentials is forbidden. Working press with complimentary credentials may not solicit business from exhibitors, spokespeople or attendees during the Good Jobs, Green Jobs Regional Conferences.
Non-editorial press must register online through the paid registration process.
Freelance reporters must send a letter of verification from the news organization they are representing on that company’s letterhead and signed by the editor. Please send verification letters to:
Eric Steen
BlueGreen Alliance
1300 Godward St. NE Suite 200
Minneapolis, MN 55403
or e-mail
If registering on-site, please provide this information at the Media Registration Area.
Online media is defined as journalists with commercial news websites. Sites must be previously established and updated regularly with original and current news. To qualify as online media, online reporters must provide:
- A copy of your business card with name, editorial title and media outlet’s logo.
- A copy of your online publication with your name and title appearing in an editorial capacity, including a bylined, industry-related article from your publication written by you and published within the last six months (the copy must clearly show the name of the publication and byline).
Please note that online media must meet all criteria below:
- The website must have a paid reporting staff of two or more.
- The website must post original, dated, industry-related news at least once per week.
- Website content must extend beyond newsletters, links, forums, personal diaries, opinion or personal analysis.
The BlueGreen Alliance Foundation is committed to working with the emerging class of independent reporters and columnists who reach their audiences via blogs, podcasts, video blogs and other online media. Below is a short list of guidelines that we will use to determine whether to issue complimentary press credentials to independent online media representatives for the Clean and Fair Economy Summit. :
- Organizers prefer to work with online media outlets that have an established track record covering our issues. We would like to work with outlets that have been in continuous operation for at least six months and reach at least 20,000 visitors per month.
- Organizers reserve the right to request traffic data from a third party (Sitemeter, Technorati, Feedburner, iTunes or an equivalent) in order to be considered. While the decision to grant access is not based solely on traffic/subscriber data, we do ask that applicants provide some degree of transparency into their operations in order for us to make a fair and timely decision on an application.
- Obtaining press credentials is an opportunity to meet and interact with key industry and political figures. While continued access to the Conference is not directly contingent on producing coverage of the Conference, due to space limitations, Conference Organizers will take it into consideration when granting continued access. Following the Conference, please forward a link to your post/podcast/video blog to the Director of Communications (
- Bloggers who are granted access to the Conference are expected to act professionally. Those who do not observe practices of professional decorum run the risk of being barred from access.
- Other bloggers, personal website writers, designers, editors or creators do not qualify for complimentary press registration.
- Organizers reserve the right to remove any online media representative or blogger if it deems that the company or its representative(s) in any way violated stated conference policies and/or misrepresented itself or the nature of its business.
The final decision on all applications for press credentials rests with Conference Organizers.
Organizers require all film crews requesting permission to film at the Conference to register in advance as either a production company or a videography crew. If you are registering as a production company or videography crew, please register for media credentials. Conference Organizers will contact you regarding your request.
A production company is a crew that is taping for a show that is in current production and booked to air on a recognized network or station. Conference Organizers will determine at its sole discretion whether a network or station is “recognized.”
A videography crew is a camera crew or cameraman contracted by a conference exhibitor to film solely in that exhibitor’s booth for that company’s private/non-broadcast use only.
Producers scouting for a show or others who do not meet these qualifications must purchase paid press passes and may not bring cameras onto the show floor.
Production companies and videography crews must pre-register. On-site registration will not be available. The preregistration deadline is September 13, 2017.
Organizers reserve the right to remove representatives of any production company or videography crew from the show if it deems that the company or its representative(s) in any way violated stated conference policies and/or misrepresented itself or the nature of its business. Anyone removed from the show forfeits their right to any and all refunds.
Production companies must submit a letter from the programming office of a recognized network or station expressly stating that the production company is at the show to film for a specific program. The letter must be written on company letterhead, include airdate, contact information, and be signed by the director of programming. All letters will be verified with the network or station.
Videography crews must submit a letter from the exhibitor stating that the company will be working under contract to film at their booth for private/non-broadcast use only. Conference Organizers, at its sole discretion, will determine if a videography crew meets the requirements and be granted permission to film at the show.
Q: Who may receive complimentary press credentials?
A: Complimentary press credentials are issued only to reporters, editors, freelance writers and photographers working for specific publications and covering a beat that is relevant to the issues of green investments, labor, environment and energy. In addition, complimentary credentials will be issued to approved online media outlets and bloggers. Only two press representatives per media outlet will receive a complimentary press pass, unless otherwise approved.
Q: When and where is the Clean and Fair Economy Summit taking place?
A: The date for 2017 will be September 14 & 15 in Olympia, WA at the Hotel RL.
Q: How do I register?
A: Members of the press may register online or in person at the Conference in the area designated for Media Registration. All accredited media must register prior to attending Conference activities.
Freelance reporters must send, or present at Media Registration, a letter of verification from the news organization they are representing on that company’s letterhead and signed by the editor.
Production companies and videography crews must pre-register. On-site registration will not be available.
Please e-mail the letter to
Q: How will I know if my complimentary press registration is approved?
A: You will be notified if your request for complimentary press credentials is approved or denied, or if additional information is needed to confirm your status.
Q: How do I pick up my press credentials?
A: All accredited media must register at Media Registration Area onsite at each of the Conferences, which is where you can pick up your press credentials. Please plan to provide a business card and show photo ID.
Q: What are the press room hours?
Q: Will there be a working press room at the conferences?
Q: Will there be a room available for interviews?
Q: Is there a press conference room?
Q: What is included in complimentary press registration?
A: Press registration includes access to plenary and keynote-speaker sessions, as well as designated workshop sessions. Receptions are not included in complimentary press registration, and Conference Organizers reserve discretion to close receptions, workshops, plenary and keynote-speaker sessions.
Q: When I register as “press” will the Organizers distribute my contact information?
A: No. Conference Organizers will keep all media contact information confidential. From time to time we will send you important media updates for the Conference.
Q: Whom should I contact to arrange an interview or ask about covering a specific event?
A: Contact Eric Steen, Director of Communications (